Cybersecurity Assessments

Protect Your Business

Protecting customer data is essential for both you and your clients. With cyber attack methods always changing, your IT systems may be vulnerable in ways that you’re not aware of.

NIC is here to help provide cybersecurity assessments for businesses to identify vulnerabilities and to help protect your systems without breaking the bank. We can help provide:

  • Data protection
  • System monitoring
  • Breach Recovery
  • Updates and Compliance

Learn Best Practices

We also work with company owners and leaders to help train employees to maintain better security practices. Let us help you protect your business from cybersecurity threats. Find out how by contacting us online or start with a free consultation today by calling 1-877-721-3330.

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Employee studying cybersecurity policies

Cybersecurity Support

Staying Current

When a cybersecurity attack happens, the Office of Compliance Inspection and Examination (OCIE) must adjust their rules and guidelines. It’s challenging to stay up to date on these standards – especially for businesses in the financial sector. Let NIC take on the responsibility for keeping your business up-to-date and better protected.

Employee Training

It’s important that everyone understands the policies and procedures in maintaining data protection. We work with not only owners and leaders but also employees and support staff. Our goal is to teach safe and secure data access to help prevent problems before they happen

Prepare for Success


Cybersecurity assessments are vital for any modern business. Maintaining and managing these assessments can be costly and time-consuming. NIC can help with your assessments and provide affordable solutions for your business.


Effective cybersecurity isn’t something you can do alone. We provide digital security solutions with the goal of protecting you before a problem happens. Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Let us help you with all your cybersecurity support needs.


Everyone needs to understand best practices when handling company data. NIC provides training so everyone knows and understands what to do. Employees can do their part once they’re taught how to safely access information.

Call us today or contact us online

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