What Can Cloud Computing Really Do For Your Business?

For those not keeping up with current tech trends, cloud computing sounds like an exotic service. However, the technology has been around for some time. Today, cloud computing is everywhere, and if youโ€™ve ever used Facebook, Twitter, or another similar social media app, youโ€™ve used it. Cloud computing simply comprises Internet-based storage and services, as opposed to computing that takes place on physically present machines, servers, and software. All of this takes place on a remote server, which you can access whenever you want through the Internet.

Cloud computing has quickly become the ubiquitous service of choice for various types of software apps, security tools, data storage, backup plans, social media apps, and much more. Today, cloud technology is so widespread and seamless that many donโ€™t even realize theyโ€™re using a cloud-based system. Because of this ubiquity, cloud computing has become faster, more affordable, feature-rich, flexible, and more reliable than many other types of alternatives.

So, what are some cloud hosting benefits that will keep your business competitive? Further, how can you get your hands on some powerful cloud computing tools?


Cloud-based services are incredibly flexible, which allows your business operations to stay lean and agile. If you have a small operation, or traffic is light, you can opt for low bandwidth services and save money. If activity increases, you can easily upgrade your bandwidth or storage as you need it, tailoring your plan to your needs and your budget.

Cloud services can be accessed from everywhere, as long as you have an internet connection, so you and your staff can work from smart phones, personal computers, laptops, and tablets just about anywhere.  Since everyone has access to the cloud, you can keep tabs on your employees, collaborate on documents, and keep everyone updated on your operations in real time.


Among the many benefits of cloud hosting services are ease-of-use and convenience. Traditional computing options generally required a large IT department and the related infrastructure to keep all of your servers, storage, and software running correctly. Previously, entrepreneurs and companies had to keep all software updated manually, and if anything went wrong, they would have had to fix it themselves.

This isnโ€™t the case with modern cloud computing tools. Now, it is up to companies that hosts your services to keep up their hardware infrastructure and their software. Software updates are automatic, and for the most part, all you have to worry about is your physical hardware and Internet connection. Server issues, storage issues, security issues, and other responsibilities are up to the host, leaving you to focus your energy on core business operations.

The host company handles all of the backend operations, which leaves you to work with the frontend, which is usually intuitive and simple to interact with. At the same time you get a host of powerful and sophisticated functions to run your company with.

Low Cost

Convenience and low cost are very similar cloud hosting benefits for the reason that all of the IT issues are handled by the host company. This means that you donโ€™t have to invest in expensive and maintenance-intensive server and storage infrastructure. You also donโ€™t need as large of an IT department, and you donโ€™t have to pay nearly as much for the software and hardware that you do work with.

Many cloud computing tools and their related service plans are surprisingly affordable, and as mentioned above, you can choose a plan that best suits your unique needs and then scale up later if you need to. Without the need for intensive capital expenditures, you can take advantage of decades of innovation in powerful cloud computing applications, giving your business the competitive edge.


Of the many cloud hosting benefits that come with a remote service, high security is one of the most overlooked features. Many people think of cloud programs and get nervous when they think about all of their data and operations floating around on the Internet, but the reality is not quite like that.

Cloud services are owned by a host company with sophisticated servers and computing hardware. These companies are incentivized to protect their infrastructure and their services, as their ability to do business is based on clientsโ€™ trust. Cloud hosts are investing in innovative security measures and theyโ€™re always working to make sure their customers are getting a reliable and secure service.

On your businessโ€™ side, you donโ€™t have to worry about your hardware or software going down or getting compromised. All you need is the hardware to access the cloud computing tools that are on the Internet. If an employee loses a company laptop, or a hard drive gets destroyed, you know that your data is secure on a remote server.

This brings us to disaster recovery. Many companies offer cloud-based services that can ensure that your companyโ€™s operations stay continuous by backing them up on remote cloud-based servers. One of the cloud hosting benefits we highly recommend is the option of cloud-based disaster recovery, in which you can keep your data remotely backed up and safe in the cloud. Whatever happens on your business premises, you can always be sure that your data is safe.

Get Started

As you can see the benefits of cloud hosting are many, and the risks are low. No matter your company size, your business can take advantage of powerful cloud computing tools that are scaled to work with your own unique requirements.

At NIC, we have quality cloud computing services such as email, data management and backup, disaster recovery, IT teams, and other crucial services to help your business grow. Our cloud-based services are maintenance-free, secure, flexible, and very convenient. Our services work great for businesses both large and small and are tailored to meet your needs. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today at 1-877-721-3330 and get going with our cloud computing services.

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