Cyber Security Services for Law Firms

When you manage a law firm, you have access to sensitive information on a daily basis. You need to keep your data, and your clientโ€™s data, safe and secure. At NIC, we go above and beyond when it comes to protecting your firmโ€™s security.

Employee Training

Simple mistakes amount to some of the most common network security threats. Weak passwords, improper downloads, and other user errors can grant hackers access to your network. As part of our cyber security services for law firms, we provide training programs for your employees. This includes training to avoid high-risk behavior and implement best practices.

Preemptive Action

Combating cyber attacks requires constant vigilance. That means addressing security issues before problems arise. Our cyber security services include preventative measures that monitor your network to identify areas that need attention before your system can become compromised.

Off-Site Management

Migrating your data from on-site servers to our highly secure off-site cloud servers provides an extra layer of security for your valuable data. This eliminates local breaches while providing around the clock maintenance and monitoring.

Risk Assessment

Cyber security isnโ€™t a one-time serviceโ€”it requires regular assessments and upgrades. We constantly examine your network looking for vulnerabilities. Through persistent monitoring, we take a proactive approach to safeguarding your valuable company data.

Protect Your Network

Our cyber security services for law firms provide you with a team of experts dedicated to keeping your network, servers, and data safe. Contact us today to discuss your cyber security needs.