Cybersecurity Incident Response

Disaster Recovery

A proper disaster recovery plan will help your business by outlining the strategies and procedures needed to resume business operations following a cybersecurity incident. We provide incident response management solutions for all types of businesses. We can provide:

  • Data protection
  • System monitoring
  • Breach Recovery
  • Updates and Compliance

Proactive Strategies

Establishing an RTO (recovery time objectives) and RPO (recovery point objectives) plan is one of the best ways to ensure your business is up and running after disaster strikes.

Weโ€™ve been helping companies for over a decade with containment, eradication, and recovery from unexpected disruptions. We can help you too. Find out how by contacting us online or start with a free consultation today by calling 1-877-721-3330.

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Cybersecurity concept image

Plan Development

Ransomware Prevention

The news today is filled with Ransomware incidents. Many of these incidents go unreported and cost businesses thousands of dollars or more. As these attacks continue to escalate itโ€™s critical that youโ€™re prepared. Preventing ransomware attacks should be a part of every business’s cybersecurity incident response management.

Ongoing Threat Protection

Cybersecurity threats are becoming more complex and more common while businesses are struggling to keep up. NIC has the tools and expertise to make sure you’re prepared, no matter what happens. We can provide 24/7 support to help keep you safe and prepared. Donโ€™t wait for something bad to happen. Let our expert consultants help you protect your data.

Protect Your Business


A risk assessment will identify critical IT services that your business needs to function properly. Without a clear understanding of your vulnerabilities, itโ€™s hard to be prepared. NIC can help you take steps to prepare and recover by providing cybersecurity incident response management solutions and services.


NIC can help create a strategy to protect critical business systems. Part of that protection is knowing how to recover after a system failure or cybersecurity event. Our team can help you plan while considering budget constraints, technology limitations, and staff shortages. Our goal is to help you recover quickly.


Cybersecurity incident response management requires preparation and planning. We are experienced and available to create a plan with actionable steps that detail the containment, eradication, and recovery process. Employees as well as management will know what to do at each stage of your recovery.

Call us today or contact us online

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