5 Top Tips on Working From Home for Productivity and Security

Working from home can certainly be a lot easier if youโ€™re an employee. Other times itโ€™s a necessity, like for many companies during the COVID-19 pandemic that began in March 2020.

Sometimes the comforts of home can be a detriment to productivity. Having many people accessing work files from their own systems can also be a detriment to security, leaving your operations more vulnerable to malware and cyber crime.

These tips by NIC, a top Los Angeles IT & cyber security firm, can help you to navigate these downsides to remote work as a manager or employee.

1. Synchronize your Work & Home Computer Interface

There is a good chance your home computer doesnโ€™t have ready access to all youโ€™ll need from work. That could be access to a company network, or even just all of the bookmarks on your browser. If you have a company-provided laptop, look into checking it out from the office to use at home.

If possible, use a sign-in browser like Google Chrome. Signing in to your work browser profile at home will populate it with all of your bookmarks, email, and sites that you regularly use during your workday.

2. Communicate Cyber Security Standards
If youโ€™re a manager or administrator, let your remote workforce know the standards they need to follow to keep your companyโ€™s operations and information safe. Reiterate the basics, like regularly changing passwords and how to handle phishing attempts. If you have standard antivirus or antimalware software for office computers, make those available to your remote team as well.

This is an essential security tip about working from home. Take measures to hold your remote team members accountable to follow these standards.

3. Create a Set Schedule

Just as you would if you had to be in the office from 9 to 5, setting your work from home time should be similar. Once your schedule is set, then stick to it, and if you find yourself straying off course, utilizing a timing tracking app can help remind you to stay on course as well as keep you on track.

4. Make a List for the Day

An excellent tip for productivity when working from home is making a to-do list for the day and checking off each item once completed. This process will not only help get things done, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment for the work that was completed.

Take a break

5. Take Regular Breaks

Give yourself two 10-minute breaks during the day, but donโ€™t allow yourself to be tempted to turn on the television and get side-tracked. Instead, try going outside for a walk around the block to get fresh air and clear your thoughts.

6. Utilize Secure Communication Sources

Keeping in communication with managers and coworkers is an essential productivity tip when working from home. A few video chat sources include:

  • Zoom
  • Google Hangouts
  • Skype

Cybersecurity hacking

7. Be Vigilant About Security Risks

When dealing with sensitive documents, making sure your computer includes the best cybersecurity technology is imperative.

  • Know how to get any IT support as well as how to report any security threats.
  • Limit the access your family has to any computer you use for work.
  • If you work from home and utilize bandwidth, be diligent about:
    • Disabling all smart devices as well as home cameras while working from home to enhance bandwidth
    • Immobilizing any background downloading on all devices in the house
    • Purchasing a multi-device full mesh home wireless routers such as Google Nest and Eero
    • Disabling and not using any ISP provided Wi-Fi
    • Use log management tools for safely storing and disposing of data.

Work with a Cybersecurity Partner

One of the most critical tips when working from home for productivity and security is to work with a provider that can help you maintain top cybersecurity standards. NIC offers top-of-the-line secure remote access along with cloud-based services to keep you fully protected at all times. Our software as a service (SaaS) comes with:

  • Office 365
  • Azure
  • Hosted exchange email

NIC also includes automatic spam and virus filtering, which are all hosted in data centers that are routinely audited for optimal performance.

Contact us for more security tips for working from home, and start optimizing your productivity with our unique safety technology today!

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